Posts Tagged ‘ Fall Conference ’

AEA Seeking Presentation Proposals for Upcoming Conferences

Posted on: May 29th, 2020 by eric

AEA is seeking proposals for presentations for AEA training programs, workshops, and conferences.  Submissions are primarily used to create programs for the fall and spring conferences in Atlantic City but may be selected for other education activities such as the Environmental Professional Development Academy or special one-day and half-day workshops. It should also be noted that due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemicand associated restrictions at this time, we are also evaluating the necessity of holding a series of shorter topic-specific webinars in the fall, in lieu of the fall 2020 or spring 2021 meeting.

Abstracts are Being Sought From Executive directors, CFOs, operators, operators, financial, accounting, management, human resources professionals, public officials, regulators, engineers, scientists, consultants, sales representatives, manufacturers, academics and others with expertise, knowledge and skills applicable to the management of water, wastewater and solid waste facilities in New Jersey. Preference given to submissions from AEA member organizations.

AEA conferences and workshops are attended by decision-makers (commissioners, executive directors and managers), staff, professionals, licensees, and service providers associated with local water/wastewater/solid waste utilities.

Please refer questions and send completed abstracts to Karen Burris at [email protected] and Lorna O’Hara at [email protected] and add “AEA 2020-21 Presentation Proposal” within subject line. Submission deadline is August 31, 2020. All submissions will be considered for the November 2020 and March 2021 conference.

For full details, including a list of topics, contact information and more, please see this document.

You may download a proposal submission form here.

Presentations now available from the 2017 Annual Conference

Posted on: December 14th, 2017 by eric

Fiscal Planning and the Funding of Capital Projects 2017

Fiscal Planning and the Funding of Capital Projects, presented by Douglas Bacher, Principal of NW Financial Group LLC at the 2017 Fall Conference.

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New Jersey’s Political Landscape 2017

New Jersey’s Political Landscape – November 2017, a presentation by David smith Princeton Public Affairs Group, given at the 2017 Annual Conference of the Association of Environmental Authorities (AEA NJ).

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Safety Best Practices – Job Hazard Analysis, Training, Compliance

Presented by Greg DePaul, Risk and Safety Manager, Ocean County Utilities Authority at the 2017 Annual Conference of the Association of Environmental Authorities.

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Sea Level Rise and Coastal Flood Risk in NJ – Tools & Analysis

Sea Level Rise and Coastal Flood Risk in NJ – Tools & Analysis, presented by Dan Rizza of Climate Central and Rich Erickson of First Environment NJ to the 2017 Annual Conference of the Association of Environmental Authorities (AEA NJ), November 15, 2017

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Sources of Funding for Capital Projects 2017

Sources of Funding for Capital Projects. Presentation by Robert H. Beinfield of Hawkins Delafield & Wood LLP, November 15, 2017.

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Workers’ Compensation – Cost Savings Through Loss Prevention 2017

Workers’ Compensation – Cost Savings Through Loss Prevention 2017. Presented by James A. Clancy, Manager: Loss Prevention, MJM
Insurance Group.

Presentation made November 14-15, 2017 at the 2017 Annual Conference of the Association of Environmental Authorities (AEA NJ)

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Chuck Underwood To Highlight AEA’s 2017 Annual Conference

Posted on: October 20th, 2017 by eric

The AEA annual meeting and conference will feature keynote speaker Chuck Underwood, an expert in the sociology of generations, as well as other programs, panels and speakers –plus opportunities to make valuable connections and earn water, wastewater and engineering credits.

The event is slated for Tuesday, Nov. 14 at Caesar’s in Atlantic City and will wrap up on Wednesday with a closing reception at 4 p.m. Commissioners and executive directors are invited to a free lunchtime session with Mr. Underwood at noon on Tuesday. In “Talkin’ ‘bout our Generations: Winning over Boomers, Xers & Millennials,” Mr. Underwood will offer a lively interactive workshop aimed at giving commissioners essential tools to bridging the generation gap, both when dealing with employees and ratepayers.

Mr. Underwood’s keynote will begin at 5 p.m. A renowned author, speaker and lecturer, Mr. Underwood pioneered the field of generational study and business strategies, leading to the creation of his firm, The Generational Imperative, Inc. His clients include business giants such as Hewlett-Packard, Procter &; Gamble, Time Warner Cable, and many others. He hosted the PBS television series America’s Generations With Chuck Underwood.

Tuesday evening will be capped off with a networking reception at 6:15 p.m. It’s a great way to meet colleagues in the field, learn about challenges and successes in other authorities, make valuable connections to enhance your career or business, and just plain get to know people who face the same workplace issues you do.

On Wednesday, the AEA’s annual meeting kicks off at 8:30 a.m., when the 2018 slate of officers and board members will be presented for a vote. (The voting delegate from each member organization is eligible to vote.) In addition to a “State of the Association” presentation, AEA President Mike Ruppel will deliver a “farewell” address.

At 9:15 a.m. a presentation entitled, “Impact of the Election on AEA Membership,” will be made by David A. Smith of the Princeton Public Affairs Group (PPAG). Mr. Smith will focus his experienced eye on how the gubernatorial election may affect AEA members. Richard Erickson of First Environment, Inc. and Dan Rizza of Climate Central will follow that up at 9:45 a.m. with a discussion of tools and analyses that can help New Jersey cope with sea-level rise. The “safety loss” portion of the program will include presentations designed to improve safety, will address risk management and personnel procedures and policies that reduce financial liability.

After lunch Chris Sturm of New Jersey Future will moderate a panel on the Water Quality Accountability Act. An expert panel will unpack the impact of this legislation today on drinking water purveyors and in the future, very likely wastewater systems too. “Using Envision to Better Vet Capital Improvement Projects” will be presented by Evan Bowles and a panel on funding capital projects, presented by Bob Beinfield, Doug Bacher and Heather Litzebauer, will offer insight into how to plan and finance a capital program or repair and replacement schedule. Our closing reception will be at 4pm. For more information, visit or follow us on Facebook.