Executive Committee: Steve Specht, President; Brian Brach, 1st Vice President; Ron Anastasio, 2nd Vice President; Brian Valentino, Treasurer; Rich Brand, Immediate Past President and Peggy Gallos, Executive Director. (Executive Committee receives regular briefings from Executive Director.)
Board of Directors: Jeff Booth, Margaret Carmeli, Esq., Jim Cosgrove, Bill Gettings, Tom Laustsen, Keith Marcoon, JoAnn Mondsini, Lisa Oberreiter, Joe Pantalone, Bob Snyder, George Tyler, Esq., Matt von der Hayden and Mike Wynne (Board meets in January, May, September, and December.)
Legal Counsel: John Napolitano, Cleary Giacobbe Alfieri Jacobs, LLC
Finance Committee: Bernie Bujak* (There are several committee vacancies due to recent retirements.)
Audit Committee: Tom Post* (There are several committee vacancies due to retirements.)
Nominations Committee: Executive Committee and active past presidents.
*According to AEA bylaws, first and second vice presidents are automatically members of each committee.
Coastal Committee
Provides structure by which AEA coastal dischargers can share information and services. Develops strategies for shared concerns. Discusses matters of mutual interest. Appeals discharge permit conditions common to all in a consolidated manner.
Meets: As Needed
Education and Conference Committee
Bill Gettings, Hazen and Sawyer
Purpose: To manage, advise, and identify priorities for AEA education and training; review proposals for workshops and conference agendas; supervise work of Review Committee. (The Review Committee, a sub-committee of the EC Committee, review abstracts and bios to determine their eligibility for water and wastewater licensing credits and professional engineering (NJ) credits.)
Meets: Each March/April and December, also as needed.
Energy Committee
Identify energy issues, programs and policies—including CHP, efficiency, micro-grid, emergency energy sources, solar and energy purchasing—that concern members. Advise AEA on energy matters and input to DEP, BPU and other agencies. Keep membership informed about important developments in this area.
Meets: As required.
EPDA Steering Committee
Apryl Roach, Franklin Township SA
Meets: As needed.
Ethics Committee
Joe Maraziti, Esq., Maraziti Falcon
Develop ethics information, education and policy for AEA. Make recommendations to Board and membership on ethics matters.
Meets: As needed.
HR Committee
Bernie Bujak, Life Member
Educates committee members about matters related to human resources, such as pension, employee management, benefits, and hiring/firing. Provide a forum where members can discuss common concerns and seek advice from colleagues. Assists general membership by identifying HR related topics and development.
Meets: As needed.
IT Committee
Leon McBride, Lakewood MUA
Greg JnoBaptiste, Two Rivers WRA
Purpose: To provide forum for staff of AEA member organizations to discuss a broad range of IT issues; educate committee members; identify IT-related education and training needs for AEA.
Meets: As needed. For more information, visit this page.
Legislative Committee
Members review bills to determine potential for impact on members. Determines AEA positions on legislation and develops legislative strategies. Educates legislators about impacts of legislation. Advises Board on legislative matters. Spearheads Voter Voice and similar legislative campaigns.
Meets: Every third Wednesday at 10 am at AEA office
NJPDES Committee
Pam Carolan, Mt. Laurel MUA
Reviews new and revised NJPDES regulations to determine whether action such as submitting comments, alerting membership, or requesting a meeting should be taken. Advises membership about important developments in this area. Identifies NJPDES-related topics for workshops, newsletter articles, and conferences. Provides a forum for education and discussion among members and with broader membership.
Meets: As needed.
PFAS Sub Committee
Joe Pantalone, Atlantic County UA
To provide a forum of interested persons to discuss challenges associated with PFAS and recommendations on how to proceed.
Meets: As needed.
Preparedness Committee
Identifies issues and policies related to preparedness, emergency response, disasters, homeland security, etc. to be addressed by AEA. Works with DEP, OHSP and other agencies on these matters. Keeps membership informed about important developments.
Meets: As needed.
Professional Development Committee
Purpose: To develop tomorrow’s leaders and managers within AEA membership.
Safety Committee
Janette Kessler, Atlantic County UA
To provide forum for staff of AEA member organizations to discuss a broad range of safety-related issues; educate committee members; identify safety-related education and training needs for AEA.
Meets: the third Friday in January, April, July and October at 10am
Strategic Planning Committee
Bernie Bujak
This committee was tasked to develop a strategic plan for AEA.
Meets: As needed.
Wastewater Committee
Ryan Krause, South Monmouth RSA
The Wastewater Sub-Committee spawned from the existing well established NJPDES Committee. The task at hand was to develop and recommend to the NJDEP a list of Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) which could be tracked and reported upon by wastewater entities and used by regulators to assess the effectiveness of utility asset management.
Meets: As needed.
Water Committee
Steve Specht, Brick Twp MUA
To provide a forum for AEA members to discuss matters related to drinking water; to advise legislative committee about drinking water matters; to identify areas for AEA input or advocacy.
Meets: As needed.
Are you interested in participating in an AEA committee? If so, please contact Peggy or Karen.