Posts Tagged ‘ Press ’

Join us for a Day Without Water

Posted on: September 4th, 2018 by eric
Dear AEA Executive Directors:
We talk so much about infrastructure, but rarely do we talk about the real consequence of being without it. And that consequence is — No Water! It is that simple. Here’s the way the Imagine a Day without Water campaign puts it: “No water to drink, or even to make coffee with. No water to shower, flush the toilet, or do laundry. Hospitals would close without water. Firefighters couldn’t put out fires and farmers couldn’t water their crops.”
This year AEA is urging members to help drive this message in New Jersey. We are asking you to participate in the Oct. 10 “Imagine a Day without Water” campaign. There are so many ways you can do this! You can post a notice to your website. You can tweet or do other social media content around the topic, “Imagine a Day without Water.” You can participate by offering tours to the public or passing a board of commissioners resolution. (This latter may be a great option for collection systems!) Whatever you can do to bring attention to how important the service we provide is to EVERY aspect of our customers’ lives will matter.
We have posted customizable materials you can use for your own efforts. These include templates for a board resolution, two press releases, and an invitation letter to the community. Insert your own logo and identifying information and or develop entirely new materials as you see fit. Those materials include:
One additional request: Whether you do tours as a matter of normal activity, or special ones for the Oct. 10 observance, send photos and videos to us or let us know they are posted. We want to help build awareness by boosting these images.