Posts Tagged ‘ wave awards ’

Recognize excellence and nominate someone in the 2020 Wave Awards!

Posted on: November 6th, 2019 by eric

The Association of Environmental Authorities bestows Wave Awards to recognize excellence in the public water, wastewater, recycling, and solid waste sector in New Jersey. Submissions are reviewed by a three- member committee. This year’s awards will be presented at a luncheon on Day Two, Wed., March 11, 2020 of the spring utility management conference at Caesar’s in Atlantic City.

You may view and download a nomination form at this linkNominations are due Jan. 17, 2020

Why Should I Submit a Nomination?

Good work deserves attention. By submitting, you foster more success. You instill pride. You motivate. You help us raise awareness about the work we all do.

How Do I Submit A Nomination?

Complete the appropriate nomination form (see below). For each nomination, explain why the organization or individual award is merited. Include supporting documentation such as news stories, resumes, testimonial letters, or other material. Relevant project cost, savings attributed to an effort or project, descriptions of methodologies and other pertinent and distinguishing information should be included. Include photos or charts too, if applicable. Note: Certain limits on who can submit in some categories. See individual award type descriptions.

Nominations are due Jan. 17, 2020

Send the nomination via email (preferred method) to Karen Burris, by fax to 609-584-8271, or by postal mail, addressed to Karen, at the AEA offices, 2333 Whitehorse-Mercerville Road, Suite 2, Mercerville, 08619. For more information, contact Peggy or Karen.

Award Descriptions


This award is aimed at helping cultivate association leadership and honor those who volunteer time and effort to AEA. The individual receiving this award is on the staff of a member organization and has, in the last three years, been consistently active and engaged in AEA, making a significant contribution to AEA and its members. Staff of regular and municipal member organizations eligible.

Individual Achievement

Recognizes extraordinary performance of duties of an operations or non-managerial staff member under difficult, adverse or challenging circumstances and/or recognizes skill and dedication. Ineligible: executive directors or department managers. Eligible: individual from regular and municipal member organizations.

Mutual Aid Achievement Award

Recognizes AEA regular or municipal member organization for outstanding or extraordinary effort to assist one or more member organizations during the past year. This awards celebrates the essence of AEA, because it is about banding together to face challenges and promote mutual interests.

Wave Service Award

Given to a non-member, individual who has gone to great lengths or effort over time to help AEA achieve its goals. This individual may be a regulator, a member of a local, state or federal legislative body or someone from any organization AEA works with in an on-going manner.

Life Member

Throughout AEAs history, there have been individuals from member organizations, who have devoted themselves to AEA, serving, volunteering and participating, and making outstanding contributions to AEA over time. Eligible individuals, from member organizations, may still be working in their profession or may be retired. The award permanently waives dues for the Lifetime Member upon their retirement, and it entitles them to attend AEA events. Lifetime Membership benefits do not accrue to the organization employing the honoree.

Outstanding Commissioner Award

This award will be given to a member of an authority board who: Has served six years or more; embodies a “customer service ethic” by consistently acting in the best interests of ratepayers; has fostered positive relationships/mutual understanding between a regular/municipal member and its community or between the member organization and legislators; has supported AEA through active participation in AEA events; has offered outstanding leadership. Nominees must be nominated by two other commissioners. Executive directors and professional consultants may not nominate commissioners.

Outstanding Associate Member, Individual

This award goes to an individual employed by an associate member company, who has been active in AEA for more than 6 years and who has contributed in an exceptional manner to AEA through his or her committee work, by speaking or writing to inform and educate members in publications or at workshops and conferences, or who has supported AEA regulatory, legislative or public relations initiatives. Nominations can come from regular, municipal and associate members. But associate members may not nominate someone from their own company.

Outstanding Associate Member, Organization.

This award recognizes an AEA associate member organization that has been a member for six or more consecutive years and that has supported AEA through active participation in committees, as presenters, through sponsorships, contributing to AEA education efforts or in some way consistently supported AEA. Only AEA Board and Executive Committee members may submit nominations, and the recipient is chosen by the Executive Committee.

Forward Thinking Award

This award recognizes regular or municipal member innovation. It is presented to members that adopt successful new approaches or techniques in use of technology, facility design, or management. Authorities will submit applications for review by a selection committee.

Public Education Award

This award recognizes an outstanding public relations or public education efforts on the part of regular or municipal members. The efforts must promote understanding of the water, wastewater, solid waste or recycling industries, provide insight into the vital nature of AEA members’ services, or encourage vocational development in the environmental management field. Regular, municipal or associate members may submit nominations for this award.

Best Management Practices Award

This award goes to an authority/municipality that has implemented a process or program that addressed a need and resulted in measurable improvement in personnel management, consumables and inventory management, technical systems, facility operations and maintenance, performance measurement, security measures, customer service or energy. Regular and municipal members may make nominations in this category.

Energy Savers Award

This award recognizes good management and innovation in connection with energy. Success in saving energy costs or consumption, adopting innovation technology or managing energy use are the types of efforts recognized with this award.

You may view and download a nomination form at this linkNominations are due Jan. 17, 2020

This year’s awards will be presented at a luncheon on Day Two, Wed., March 11, 2020 of the spring utility management conference at Caesar’s in Atlantic City.

2019 Wave Awards Honored Achievement in the Industry

Posted on: March 29th, 2019 by eric

AEA is proud to have recognized members during the annual recognition luncheon at the utility management conference in March of 2019. Awards included:

Outstanding Commissioner, Dr. Robert A. Bartolini of Stony Brook Regional Sewerage Authority and Ted Light of Middlesex County Utilities Authority. Outstanding Associate Member John Napolitano, Esq. of Cleary Giacobbe Alfieri Jacobs, LLC. For Individual Wave Achievement, Kyle Arnold of North Hudson Sewerage Authority, and Susan DuBey of Bayshore Regional Sewerage Authority.

Also honored Up And Comer Award winner Apryl Roach of Franklin Township Sewerage Authority, Life Member Award Kevin Aiello of Middlesex County Utilities Authority, and Sid Weiss, Esq. of Southeast Morris County Municipal Utilities Authority.

Winning for Best Management Practices was the  Atlantic County Utilities Authority, the Hanover Sewerage Authority, North Hudson Sewerage Authority, and Toms River Municipal Utilities Authority. Winning an Energy Savers award was Ocean County Utilities Authority and Willingboro Municipal Utilities Authority, while winning a Forward Thinking award was Buena Borough Municipal Utilities Authority, Passaic Valley Sewerage Commission, and Western Monmouth Utilities Authority. Finally, recognized for their efforts in Public Education was Camden County Municipal Utilities Authority.

In addition, we offer out Congratulations to the 2018 EPDA Cohort:

  • Thomas Bongiovanni, Two Bridges SA
  • Natalie Chesko, South Monmouth RSA
  • Yolanda Cox, Plainfield MUA
  • Paul Dobson, Stony Brook RSA
  • James Higgins, Evesham MUA
  • Don Hilty, Stony Brook RSA
  • Javier Irizarry, Stony Brook RSA
  • Janette Kessler, Atlantic County UA
  • Michael Mullen, Evesham MUA
  • Hossein (Mack) Rahimi, Stony Brook RSA
  • Jennifer Rivera, Pemberton Township MUA
  • Frank Rockwell, South Monmouth RSA

Nominations Open for 2018 Wave Awards – Recognize Excellence!

Posted on: November 27th, 2018 by eric

The Association of Environmental Authorities bestows Wave Awards to recognize excellence in the public water, wastewater, recycling, and solid waste sector in New Jersey. Submissions are reviewed by a three-member committee.

This year’s awards will be presented at a luncheon on Day Two, Wed., March 13, of the spring utility management conference at Caesar’s in Atlantic City.

Nominations due Friday, Feb. 8, 2019

Download a nomination form here (scroll to the bottom).

Why Should I Submit a Nomination?

Good work deserves attention. By submitting, you foster more success. You instill pride. You motivate. You help us raise awareness about the work we all do.

How Do I Submit A Nomination?

Complete the appropriate nomination form (scroll to the bottom). For each nomination, explain why the organization or individual award is merited. Include supporting documentation such as news stories, resumes, testimonial letters, or other material. Relevant project cost, savings attributed to an effort or project, descriptions of methodologies and other pertinent and distinguishing information should be included. Include photos or charts too, if applicable. Note: Certain limits on who can submit in some categories. See individual award type descriptions.

Nominations are due Feb. 8, 2019

Send the nomination via email (preferred method) to Karen Burris at [email protected], by fax to 609-584-8271, or by postal mail, addressed to Karen, at the AEA offices, 2333 Whitehorse-Mercerville Road, Suite 2, Mercerville, 08619. For more information, contact Peggy or Karen.


Award Descriptions


This award is aimed at helping cultivate association leadership and honor those who volunteer time and effort to AEA. The individual receiving this award is on the staff of a member organization and has, in the last three years, been consistently active and engaged in AEA, making a significant contribution to AEA and its members. Staff of regular and municipal member organizations eligible.

Individual Achievement

Recognizes extraordinary performance of duties of an operations or non-managerial staff member under difficult, adverse or challenging circumstances and/or recognizes skill and dedication. Ineligible: executive directors or department managers. Eligible: individual from regular and municipal member organizations.

Mutual Aid Achievement Award

Recognizes AEA regular or municipal member organization for outstanding or extraordinary effort to assist one or more member organizations during the past year. This awards celebrates the essence of AEA, because it is about banding together to face challenges and promote mutual interests.

Wave Service Award

Given to a non-member, individual who has gone to great lengths or effort over time to help AEA achieve its goals. This individual may be a regulator, a member of a local, state or federal legislative body or someone from any organization AEA works with in an on-going manner.

Life Member

Throughout AEAs history, there have been individuals from member organizations, who have devoted themselves to AEA, serving, volunteering and participating, and making outstanding contributions to AEA over time. Eligible individuals, from member organizations, may still be working in their profession or may be retired. The award permanently waives dues for the Lifetime Member upon their retirement, and it entitles them to attend AEA events. Lifetime Membership benefits do not accrue to the organization employing the honoree.

Outstanding Commissioner Award

This award will be given to a member of an authority board who: 3 Has served six years or more ; embodies a “customer service ethic” by consistently acting in the best interests of ratepayers; has fostered positive relationships/mutual understanding between a regular/municipal member and its community or between the member organization and legislators; has supported AEA through active participation in AEA events; has offered outstanding leadership.

Nominees must be nominated by two other commissioners. Executive directors and professional consultants may not nominate commissioners

Outstanding Associate Member, Individual

This award goes to an individual employed by an associate member company, who has been active in AEA for more than 6 years and who has contributed in an exceptional manner to AEA through his or her committee work, by speaking or writing to inform and educate members in publications or at workshops and conferences, or who has supported AEA regulatory, legislative or public relations initiatives. Nominations can come from regular, municipal and associate members. But associate members may not nominate someone from their own company.

Outstanding Associate Member, Organization.

This award recognizes an AEA associate member organization that has been a member for six or more consecutive years and that has supported AEA through active participation in committees, as presenters, through sponsorships, contributing to AEA education efforts or in some way consistently supported AEA. Only AEA Board and Executive Committee members may submit nominations, and the recipient is chosen by the Executive Committee.

Forward Thinking Award

This award recognizes regular or municipal member innovation. It is presented to members that adopt successful new approaches or techniques in use of technology, facility design, or management. Authorities will submit applications for review by a selection committee.

Public Education Award

This award recognizes an outstanding public relations or public education efforts on the part of regular or municipal members. The efforts must promote understanding of the water, wastewater, solid waste or recycling industries, provide insight into the vital nature of AEA members’ services, or encourage vocational development in the environmental management field. Regular, municipal or associate members may submit nominations for this award.

Best Management Practices Award

This award goes to an authority/municipality that has implemented a process or program that addressed a need and resulted in measurable improvement in personnel management, consumables and inventory management, technical systems, facility operations and maintenance, performance measurement, security measures, customer service or energy. Regular and municipal members may make nominations in this category.

Energy Savers Award

This award recognizes good management and innovation in connection with energy. Success in saving energy costs or consumption, adopting innovation technology or managing energy use are the types of efforts recognized with this award.



Congratulations to the Recipients of 2017 Wave Awards

Posted on: April 15th, 2017 by eric

Recipients of 2017 Wave Awards

Best Management Practices

Atlantic County UA
Hamilton Township MUA
Passaic Valley SC

Energy Savers
Toms River MUA

Public Education
Atlantic County UA
Cape May County MUA
Passaic Valley SC

Forward Thinking
Cape May County MUA
Somerset Raritan Valley SA
Toms River MUA