Posts Tagged ‘ Water Environment Federation (WEF) ’

Western Monmouth UA, Evesham MUA designated a Water Resources Utilities of the Future

Posted on: August 14th, 2018 by eric

The Western Monmouth Utilities Authority and Evesham Municipal Utilities Authority have joined Atlantic County Utilities Authority, Camden County MUA, and Hanover Sewerage Authority, as 5 of just 32 authorities to be designated a Water Resources Utility of the Future Today.

WMUA and Evesham are being honored this year, while ACUA, Camden County MUA, and Hanover SA are past recipients.

We are honored to say that all five of these esteemed organizations are also members of the Association of Environmental Authorities (AEA).

This recognition was decided by peer-utility general managers/executives comprising a Joint Selection Committee representing members from the National Association of Clean Water Agencies (NACWA), the Water Research Foundation (WRF), Water Environment Federation (WEF), and the WateReuse Association.

Both Evesham MUA and WMUA will be formally recognized at the Utility of the Future Today Recognition Ceremony as part of the “Utility Leaders Morning” at the 91stAnnual Water Environment Federation Technical (WEFTEC) Exhibition & Conference in New Orleans on October 2, 2018.

Evesham Municipal Utilities Authority is being recognized for the strides it has made in being part of those authorities facing “challenges such as aging infrastructure, water pollution, workforce shortages, and impacts of climate change, including drought, floods, storms, and sea level rise.”

According to a press release, Evesham’s recognition “celebrates the achievements of water utilities that transform from the traditional wastewater treatment system to a resource recovery center and leader in the overall sustainability and resilience of the communities they serve.”

Western Monmouth Utilities Authority is being recognized for its leadership in the emerging field of Utility Partnership & Engagement. 

Included in the initiatives cited in WMUA’s designation:

  • Their reinvigorated Intergovernmental & Customer Relations initiatives involving the Townships of Marlboro & Manalapan (including Marlboro & Manalapan Day) and their expansion of the use of emerging technologies and social media
  • Their Partnership with the Association of Environmental Authorities in the development and execution of the Environmental Professional Development Academy.
  • Their Partnership with the Monmouth Council, Boy Scouts of America in the development and success of Environmental Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics Explorer Post 1972, as well as their Public-Private Partnership with the MCBSA providing mutually beneficial programs involving WMUA and MCBSA resources and properties
  • Their enthusiastic expansion and embrace of their core functions of Public Environmental Education
  • Their continued innovations in Environmental Custodianship and Conservation, including programs of beneficial reuse, renewable energies, energy conservation and efficiency and the development of Best Practices.

The AEA is proud of the continued achievements of its member organizations. Recognition like this one help solidify our commitment to provide information, education and advocacy that help member organizations provide professional, efficient and cost-effective service to their ratepayers and to help the public understand and appreciate the work of its members.